Given the turmoil in the federal marketplace, it is more important than ever that small government contracting firms be knowledgeable, market focused, strategic, skilled and highly effective.
Our D.A.V.I.E. growth framework for small government contractors, developed over the last 20 years provides timeless pillars for adapting to change, and prospering.
D is for Data. We can't expect programs that have been funded in the past will be funded going forward. Data on future programs and priorities is crucial.
A is for Analysis. Which programs are being funded. What are their priorities? Expectations? Which teaming partners are best positioned to compete and win? What are the government's acquisition strategies? Do they align with the White House's priorities?
V is for Value, Validations. What makes you better than the competition must be carefully identified, cultivated, documented and validated...proven to produce measurable results. Value is in the eyes of the customer. What job do they really need to have done?
I is for Investment. Purposeful, targeted investments in people, systems and strategic relationships will pay off. The same old skills, relationships and ways of doing business are no longer acceptable.
E is for Execute, Evaluate. Execution is what separates successful companies from unsuccessful ones. Execution is hard. It involves clear communications internally and externally, establishing accountability throughout the company, disciplined processes, performance milestones, teambuilding and constant market diligence. Evaluation involves measuring everything and if necessary, pivoting.
The current Administration has vowed to reduce the size of the federal government in order to pay for tax cuts. Government contractors are not accustomed to operating in a shrinking marketplace. Now is the time to learn.